
Showing posts from October, 2020

5 Animation Videos

  1. 1. Purl 2. 3D 3. Narrative 4. This finance investment company hires a ball of knit. At first this ball of knit is the only non-human there. She gets bullied and stared at before eventually she 'reknits' herself to fit in. She is now in with the group however, at the end another ball of knit walks in and purl realises she needs to make them feel welcome and she should not change herself to fit in. 5. It was interesting because the narrative was really gripping but also because the main protagonist was not a human, and something that is normally lifeless but the power of animation has brought it to life. 6.  After watching this animation, I have taken the idea that when I make my animation, maybe use a normally inanimate object and make it the centre of the story. 2. 1. The Walk 2. 2D 3. Narrative 4. This animation is about a man and his dog on walks in the scottish highlands. One one of

TedED video on Animation

TedED video on Animation A) Summarise 3-5 things you learned? I learnt that there are two fundamental principles used in Animation. Timing & Spacing I learnt that the more frames it takes for something to happen then the slower the action will be and visa versa. Rhythm of how a moving object acts will depends on external forces such as gravity and momentum. Use this when animating. The change in position between frames is called spacing. If you move something with even spacing it's less likely to look realistic as its moving constantly at the same speed. It is not showing the external forces acting on it.       E) In real life an example of something slowing down in the middle would be bouncing on a trampoline and speeding up would be diving.